The third principle in the SOLID principles is the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP), it was named after Barbara Liskov as together with Jeannette Wing she was able to come up with a definition for subtyping. They defined the principle as:
Let (x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then (y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.
This principle simply states that all subclasses should operate the same way as the base class. It is also stated that in order to comply with the LSP we must follow these rules:
Here is a sample code that shows how we can violate this principle:
Screenshot of code
The code would work, but it could have been written in a better way. Here are some of the areas that we can focus on to improve the code:
In the PaymentFactory class, we check for the type of payment first; we are violating the LSP because that shows that the subclass is not substitutable for its base class. Also, when a new payment service needs to be implemented we also need to modify the PaymentService to set the values to the parameters of the new payment service if necessary and to check for the response of the new payment service which violates the Open-Closed Principle.
Here are the changes that we made on the code:
With these changes, the PaymentService simply tells the factory to use a subclass of the PaymentBase. The PaymentService no longer needs to check what payment type it is going to process to set the initial parameter values and to evaluate the response. In return, the PaymentService would receive whether the processing of the payment is successful or not.
Practicing the LSP enables us to extend a base class without changing any behavior from the existing classes. It makes our work easier and makes us more efficient as we will write less code that of course, leads to fewer mistakes.
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